recent entries (in order)

<--latest post-- to see my plain sunset--i'm sorry you're wrong--help yourself to the arms too--i slept on the MRT for 3 whole hours. (7+pm - 10:0...--welcome aboard esther--Monetary Revolution, Monetary Hell--the cowboys of tekong--now with 33% less wisdom! OR "why thomas isn't in ...--a pictoral summary of what i've been doing mostly ...--i think i could have died last wednesday-- --last post-->

by comrade commissar | Thomas | @ Sunday, May 29, 2005, 5:17:00 AM
  [+] click to comment / view comments. 3 comrades have contributed.

PS: If you're commenting Anonymously please sign off with your name/nick. Thanks.

You do know your comments section is in chinese right? *baffled* anyway, NUS??!! I mean, happy for you and all that (REALLY), but that means me and she-who-also-likes-to-annoy-you (aka Rathiy) won't be seeing you. oh well. But don't forget us eh? Remember us by as the all intelligent and gentle classmates of yours. All the best, TTTT!!!
 - by comrade Blogger ... @ times 4:41 PM, May 29, 2005    [delete? click on the dustbin.]

FASS? (I wanted to make an offensive accronym for FASS here but I stopped myself)
 - by comrade Blogger Jeiel Aranal @ times 7:52 PM, May 30, 2005    [delete? click on the dustbin.]

ok.. let's reply to all the comments above in 1 box:

baka neko (esther): " You do know your comments section is in chinese right?" ??? umm.. it shudn't be. could be a prob with your browser's character encoding.. not too sure.

yes, you guys are the intelligent and gentl.. umm.. just intelligent lah, classmates of mine.

n3phi|im`: wad happened ah? you confirmed got a place @ NUS already right? yah.. if 1 yr earlier can share same bunk xia.. set up LAN gaming n shite~

zerobyte: " FASS? (I wanted to make an offensive accronym for FASS here but I stopped myself)" - DUN start.. i've heard too many jokes abt it already >:]

 - by comrade Blogger Thomas @ times 7:56 PM, June 01, 2005    [delete? click on the dustbin.]

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recent entries (in order)

<--latest post-- to see my plain sunset--i'm sorry you're wrong--help yourself to the arms too--i slept on the MRT for 3 whole hours. (7+pm - 10:0...--welcome aboard esther--Monetary Revolution, Monetary Hell--the cowboys of tekong--now with 33% less wisdom! OR "why thomas isn't in ...--a pictoral summary of what i've been doing mostly ...--i think i could have died last wednesday-- --last post-->


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+to see my plain sunset
+i'm sorry you're wrong
+help yourself to the arms too
+i slept on the MRT for 3 whole hours. (7+pm - 10:0...
+welcome aboard esther
+Monetary Revolution, Monetary Hell
+the cowboys of tekong
+now with 33% less wisdom! OR "why thomas isn't in ...
+a pictoral summary of what i've been doing mostly ...
+i think i could have died last wednesday



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