"I think I'm stoned dude." TTTT's Experience Down @ Baybeats 2004 |
by comrade commissar | Thomas | @ Saturday, July 17, 2004, 12:28:00 AM | permalink |
Starbucks Rhumba - Official caffeine source for TTTT for Baybeats 2004. 16th July 2004 Baybeats 2004 Day 1 was sweeet.. great warm-up preview to the real action on Sat & Sun. I had a great time hanging out with Leanna, Matt, Shamz, Win's, Fahdil there. Saw Linda, Jun, Taufiq along the way too =) Among the bands today, Phorous, Sgt Weener Arms, Supermarket Hero were really good. 1 thing that screwed up the event though - FUCKING POLICE + SECURITY OVERZEALOUSNESS. Sheesh, people can't even mosh around abit before being dragged out to be interrogated. And they ask why are we so uptight & rigid. 17th July 2004 Went down with Edmund & Boon. Got our meet-up on, then got our coffee on, and then our rock on [ insert corny laugh track here ] Saw more people today.. Leanna & Shamz were looking good with Chinese-themed shirts. Saw Nigel, Rick, Joshua, Freddy with his g/f Dawn, Edmund's friends - Bao, Isaac, John.. forgot the rest of the guys' names. Saw my girlfriend with her group of friends. Did I mention? DAMN.. SHE LOOKED HOT! (umm. sorry.) Telebury was very good. Buddhistson's OK & Whence He Came definitely sounds way better live than on their recorded tracks.. the lead singer's very cool with interacting with the audience, but his voice is too emo for my personal preference. (yea, I'm sorry. It's not you.. it's ME. =[ ) Day 2 wasn't so good in the sense that Edm, Boon & me left for dinner at not too good a time, & we were away for a really long time too. I felt that I missed out on alot of good bands, like The Observatory, Force Vomit, Surreal, Objection Overrule, & so on. Who would have suspected that a band named "Objection Overrule" would be churning sweet ska tracks? UGH. 18th July 2004 I'm getting old. Was knocked out unconscious at home & fast asleep. Afterthoughts It's my regret to have missed the Return to Fall set. Having sampled 1 of their tracks previously on the now defunct mp3.com.. (damn tragic doomed-expat-love-in-SG lyrics xia) Christian's my favourite lead-singer-from-foreign-country-who-also-fronts-local-band. I felt that they would have really rocked in a live performance. IF I WAS THERE TO LISTEN. Ah well. Personally, I didn't have as wild a time as I did during Baybeats 2003. Sure, there were alot of scary metal-spiked leather jacket people. Sure, it got roudy at times. But hey, there was body surfing. There was solid moshing. There was no crappy crowd control, no gay barricades, no 100+++ police & security people everywhere. A good time is definitely not when everyone just stands around folding their arms & looking cool. You have got to JTFU man. Overall, this year's Baybeats was still quite good. At least I have good memories of an awesome performance by Supermarket Hero.. where at the high point, the crowds were shouting along with the band: "So CLOSE! So why don't you just RUN HOME! Why don't you just RUN HOME! RUN HOME RIGHT NOW!!" |
PS: If you're commenting Anonymously please sign off with your name/nick. Thanks.
Wait.... LP'ers finally saw your GF???
Damn. Your description of the moshing sounds sucky. The moshing in baybeats 2003 was damn fun... why does the police suck so much? Not like people got fucked up too much in the last baybeats right... even with all the spiked punks. WTH.
- by comrade Jeiel Aranal @ times 5:41 PM, July 19, 2004
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Flatterer! Btw, your dates are wrong. Friday = 16th, Saturday = 17th, Sunday = 18th. And I'm sure you had a really good nap on Sunday.
- by comrade May-Lynn @ times 9:01 PM, July 19, 2004
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to subaltern - yes boss. discrepancies confirmed and amended. doubleplus good. yea.. i had the most wonderful nap ever on Sunday.
to JL - ? no what. both edm & boon saw my g/f before.
- by comrade Thomas @ times 11:18 PM, July 20, 2004
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