by comrade commissar | May-Lynn | @ Thursday, August 05, 2004, 3:52:00 PM | permalink |
Dear T.,
(In reference to the previous post) Wouldn't a "Fordian world" imply that as a member of this society, you would have undergone the same foetal conditioning as everyone else? (Alcohol, heat, "The lower the caste, the shorter the oxygen", etc.) No matter which caste you were destined for, it would have been highly improbable that you would be sufficiently aware of the flaws of your society to rebel against succumbing to it, unless, like Bernard Marx, you were damaged physically at birth, or you were John Savage. In short, you would have to be an outsider to be able to experience "how the eye of the Other (l'autre) falls" and be motivated to act accordingly. So if we were to imagine that you woke up one morning as a fully-fledged member of a brand new Orwellian or Fordian world, then it wouldn't be a question of whether or not to succumb to it; it'd be a question of being imaginative enough to remove yourself mentally from your current identity and situation enough to see reality clearly. In other words - flight, not fight. As for the Matrix, the steak is not the issue: realising that the variables of the universe are controlled and set by machines - who were originally man-made and are not even God! - would hopefully be more than enough to set you awake and on the search to get closer to life and the real divine Creator. Who gives a crap about a steak when you are trapped in the innermost box, Sophie? OK, that's all I remember from my reading and my classes in poly where we were forced to stay back to debate existentialist crap like this until 11pm on schooldays. PS. I just had a medium-rare last night at the Marmalade Pantry. Dripping blood is the way to go! |
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