by comrade commissar | Thomas | @ Friday, August 19, 2005, 8:14:00 PM | permalink |
Aug 19 8:14pm Woo. Come home, put down stuff, rest & chill. OK, time to get online and update myself.. go to the usual places.. Then for some reason I decided to go through the old messages left on my Who Lives Near You account. Most of the stuff are just casual greetings & 'hellos', but then I come upon the couple of notes that are far more special. A tingly buzz runs my entire body's course, accompanied by recollections of happier times. And then I immediately felt sad because these times have long since long past. 19 just held such better days dammit. Aug 20 12:45am A couple of hours earlier, James (my brother) suggested we go for a night jog, just like the days before I went into the army. The jogging route (click on image to enlarge) I didn't even know the route was 2.9km. Source: (please pls pls pls don't sue.) Back then we had jogs once per week, 2-3 times as my enlistment date nears. These served as casual training sessions for him, preparation for me and my then soon-to-be army life. Above purposes of physical fitness, it was also a wonderful time for brotherly bonding. We talked quite abit.. that is, until my stamina gives up on me and I'm reduced to a heap of gasping & panting. I'm not ashamed to give James credit - All those hours he trained while he was in the school's Track & Field CCA does have its benefits. Sweating it out & getting the heart pumping in the cool midnight air.. those were good times. Tonight we ran again, Edmund (joined us at almost the last min), James, me. Same cool breeze and rhythmic steps on the track. But its amazing what 7 months as an NSF has done - I didn't even break out a serious sweat. But then again 7 months on, I'm not sure whether I prefer my previous less-fit-but-civilian life. Edmund & I talked about all things from sky to ground and James joined our jogging-duressed conversation. The moon was still set beside the MRT Depot control tower (I think it serves that purpose) and the skies were beautifully clear. We ran past everything on our separate ways back home. current readings
But then I may soon pick up:
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