by comrade commissar | Thomas | @ Monday, September 12, 2005, 7:17:00 PM | permalink |
In case you've been wondering, nope, that song you're hearing is no longer "West Grand Boulevard - Flights of Fancy" anymore. I changed it to Switchfoot's "Sooner Or Later" over the weekend, did it in a rush and forgot to change the song title shown on the blog. ;p While I'm at it, here's a little background on the song. "Sooner Or Later"'s alternative title is "Soren's Song", a subtle nod to 19th century Dutch philosopher Soren Kierkegaard. At the moment I pretty much enthralled by the track - its catchy, and more importantly the lyrics were able to capture the essence of Kierkegaard's philosophy. Great tune with great lyrics, this song has such an earworm of an effect that I'm humming the chorus every few hours for the last few days. Another side effect is that I'm now at the Jurong West NLB branch (yep, yet another night's out!) typing this entry out with a "The Complete IDIOT's Guide to Philosophy" at my side. (I could't find anything else more specialised here) Before I get any worse at being a gushing groupie and paste the entire lyrics of the song down, I think I'll end my post here. |
PS: If you're commenting Anonymously please sign off with your name/nick. Thanks.
check out amy's song by them too i tink i got sent u tat time...
- by comrade Jason @ times 2:51 AM, September 13, 2005
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eh tttt.. remember moi?? shaheera... anyway i changed my url.. take care aight?
- by comrade @ times 10:36 PM, September 13, 2005
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