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by comrade commissar | Thomas | @ Sunday, July 23, 2006, 8:32:00 PM | permalink |
Saturday started out with an afternoon trip down to Far East, staying around till Peepshow starts their set at about 8pm. They played as part of Tapestry 2006, an event featuring numerous bands performing/busking for charity. The situation was grim when the guys walked around early to look see. A less-than-interested crowd of consisting mostly of curious passerbys, the acoustics of the "stage" area was abysmal, the equipment available had some problems, the band's style and sound stood out against the general fare of day which seemed to be punk/metal/screamo. But whathehell, they huddled just before the set deciding to "have a good time, enjoy ourselves, and show them what we're like". It turned out quite good actually, despite most of the crowd staying far away from the front as if the band might be irradiated or something, spirits weren't dampened and they played well. And kudos has to go out to these 3 gals. Cheers Joycelyn, Natasha & Samatha, (hope I didn't misspell names) thanks for the support and deciding to enjoy yourselves whatever others think. Much love from the band + me ;D Oh yeah the crowd loved Peepshow. Zipped over to HOME club after their set to catch "Shhh... Louder Please, Thank You!". Other than a rock solid music line up of Force Vomit, Stoned Revivials, Plainsunset, I Am David Sparkle followed by Poptart, it was a collaborative event between Zahir + KeepItLikeASecret & Poptart, an exhibition of Zahir's work. I saw great shirt designs and posters about the place.. on hindsight I should have taken some shots of these. The night was sweetened further when my friend Ibrahim dropped in.. along with 5 other friends! That bunch was so much fun to hang around with.. went deep into the night dancing to Poptart spins and doing the occasional silly-faced posturing. Music just feels better with company man. I really enjoyed Stoned Revivals set, and needless to say Plainsunset's set was especially good for me personally, rabid fanboy I'm reduced to when I listen to their songs. "Interference", aka "The Song where Sham plays the tambourine" was sweeet. One thing learned though - 80-100kg+ bodysurfers. Bad idea. And OH YAH I GOT Me: Uh yeah?It is! An interesting and definitely surreal moment. And I really couldn't tell that Wei Wei and her friend Bernice were from my alma mater PHS till they told me. Interesting x2! Viva la PHS graduates with good music tastes! |
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