by comrade commissar | Thomas | @ Saturday, November 06, 2004, 1:00:00 AM | permalink |
(Its actually 03rd Nov, 6:48pm at the moment, I'm typing this in advance)
"She speaks poniards, and every word stabs!" Something I might have lamented in private just a few years back. But in the days, months & years since, I've have to enjoy that sharpness & wit in her thoughts when we talk. It adds on an additional layer of beauty to her that is neither skin deep nor can be seen with the eye. "... she were endowed with all that Adam had left him... " This quote has "I would not marry her" in front of it. I disagree with that part... But yes, you are beautiful beyond words. When I say "beyond words", I mean that for me to try making analogies, my limited vocabulary will fail me. "In time the savage bull doth bear the yoke.Umm. Moo? According to the Chinese zodiac, I'm an ox anyways. Melody Tan, I'm fortune's fool (in a good way!) in knowing you. I'm a fool in other ways too, for example, in this poor attempt to woo/impress you, or anyone for that matter, with corny references made to Shakespearean quotes. But I still think that you would make a wonderful Beatrice, me a so-so Benedick. Without any other meddlesome characters' involvement, we've come such a long way together. I would love to share many more years with you, & perhaps do a Shakespeare reading in one of those years. Have I mentioned that I love you? Happy early birthday. |
PS: If you're commenting Anonymously please sign off with your name/nick. Thanks.
Thank you, and I love you too. Very much.
Also, I am impressed, and am looking forward to that Shakespeare reading. I will remind you of it exactly twenty years from now.
PS. Now, since I'm reading this on Nov 3, we will go back to our scheduled programming of hatred (in which I know you will join me): AMERICA! YOU OBESE, IGNORANT FUCKTARDS! WHY ARE YOU GIVING 51% OF YOUR POPULAR VOTE TO BUSH???
- by comrade May-Lynn @ times 8:07 PM, November 03, 2004
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Bah, it'd be miraculous if Kerry could somehow squeak through Ohio. Had a feeling this would happen anyway. As much as I wanted Kerry to win. Oh well, looking forward to the world ending in a blaze of thermonuclear glory...
Oh, happy birthday Melody and all the best to the both of you. You guys have something special, I'll pray that you two will be happy for a long time.
And if you guys do wed *cue wedding song*, I wouldn't hesitate to fly down there :P
- by comrade Jeiel Aranal @ times 10:28 PM, November 03, 2004
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To Zerobyte: Thanks. If that event takes place, you will be declared guest of honour and will have to spend all evening telling embarrassing stories about Thomas's childhood to a drunken crowd.
Also, I hope Bush chokes on another pretzel and gets it right this time by dropping dead.
- by comrade May-Lynn @ times 10:51 PM, November 04, 2004
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yay! i'll help, too.
- by comrade Unknown @ times 10:29 PM, November 06, 2004
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yay! i'll help, too.
- by comrade mies` @ times 10:29:54 PM
Umm. What the hell.
- by comrade Thomas @ times 12:13 PM, November 22, 2004
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