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by comrade commissar | Thomas | @ Sunday, July 30, 2006, 4:43:00 AM | permalink |
![]() Joe Ng walked by and I asked him a couple things about the band's long term hiatus. He had this warm smile as we chatted, but the moment was quite sad really. The band will not be performing anymore as Yap will be heading to Japan due to work. The other Bar Boys felt that to carry on with member minus one will cause something to be amiss and decided to put the band as a whole on hold. As much as I will miss the sessions of merry local music singalongs, I respect the loyalty that these guys have. But LocalBarBoy never was about sadness or sulking. With a jug of beer in hand, Joe grabs the mike with the other and introduces the band with a gusto like its their first time around performing. "We are LocalBarBoy! And if you notice, we hold lyric sheets in our hands.. coz' we're a karaoke band. Of local songs!"It was one for rememberance. Waving papers & feathered boas in the air, Joe+Ler+Yap+Tim+Alexis+Cal got the crowd to sing about Girls from Katong, Songs about Caroline, Siti and Dewa, Class 'A' Love Affairs and Horizons ahead. Yap, take care in Japan.. Do spare a babe if you reach your "7 hawt Japanese girls!!!" quota and found somemore ;D The next day Great Spy Experiment played @ the outdoor amphitheatre at Esplanade. Sitting there chilling out to their songs, I thought about their meteorical rise. Since their first public appearance roughly 2 year ago, they have since been covered by the LBB team, performed at Zouk, been spun by Poptart, and even got airplay time on Perfect 10. And looking back, its still feels as if they miraculously appeared from nowhere. One day, I was at RockForGood@RGS being puzzled-bemused spotting some guy in the crowd wearing a green tee with GREAT SPY EXPERIMENT print in huge psychedelic fonts and happily confusing that with another band The Love Experiment (sorry). Today, I'm proudly looking at my own newly acquired GSE shirt as I type this blog (bought it cos' the band's good lah what else). And the guy's name is Fandy aka "Carlos". He's the hard-thumping drummer of GSE, "dancer & choreographer" extraordinare. Watching them perform was simply shiok. When minor miscues happen they're relaxed enough to grin haughtily, otherwise they're putting out a confident set with ease and never losing their cool, an expression of joy on their faces, playing like they're in a jamming room and don't care if they're perfect or not. And the set was SOLID. Amidst the crowd's wild applause I'm smiling. Things are looking up for them and I'm expecting spectacular things to be happening soon. Yep, pictures are UPs. Click on the pics above to go view gallery :) |
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<--latest post-- peepshow @ far east & keepitlikeasecret!--baybeats 2006! (and other gigs on the side)--very brit fire extinguisher incident--read not what the stars say--'very brit' @ zouk--youth gone wild--hang in there tangkap--openstage3 and poptarts--confession--to clarify issues-- --last post--> |